Getting Pregnant After 35 High Desert OBGYN

Getting Pregnant after 35

When is it too late to get pregnant? Reza Ahmadinia OBGYN says there is no magic number that depicts an age for when women should not get pregnant. Clearly though, there are risks that increase the longer you wait. There are many reasons why women wait, until after age 35…

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Tips on Breastfeeding Apple Valley

Tips on Breastfeeding

Mothers who choose to breastfeed their infants may find that they experience difficulty and pain during those first few weeks of learning techniques. It’s important for new moms to remember that both mother and baby are learning how to nurse, and there will be a period of adjustment for everybody.…

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Epidural vs Natural Childbirth

Epidural vs. Natural Birth

In today’s world of modern medicine, women who are expecting are often relieved to find out that they have choices during their childbirth experience. Dr. Ahmadinia, of Reza Ahmadinia OBGYN, notes that women in labor can use a variety of safe and effective drugs that can help them manage their…

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Natural Childbirth Classes Hesperia

Natural Childbirth Classes

Today, there are many women who are interested in pursuing a medicine-free birthing experience, with minimal interventions. Dr. Ahmadinia welcomes patients at Reza Ahmadinia OBGYN who have created a natural birth plan, and often recommends that these women and their partners take natural birth classes. These classes are ideal for…

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Balancing your Diet While Pregnant

Balancing Your Diet While Pregnant

Pregnancy is an amazing time of change and growth — in more ways than one. While many women live by the motto “eating for two” during their nine months of pregnancy, it’s important to balance those cravings with healthy, nutritious choices. At Reza Ahmadinia OBGYN, we work with expectant mothers…

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When to See Your Gynecologist

When to See Your Gynecologist

At Reza Ahmadinia OBGYN, we specialize in providing women with comprehensive obstetrics and gynecological care. We work with High Desert patients who are in varying stages of life, from teenage patients who are just beginning to establish a relationship with an OB/GYN, to women who will have children and women…

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