3D 4D Ultrasound Tips

3D 4D Ultrasound Tips

Recent technological advancements have made the ultrasound process far more fun and enjoyable for parents who are expecting a new baby. In the past, most ultrasounds that were performed provided parents with a shadowy image and outline of their growing baby, one that could be hard to see sometimes. Now,…

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The Pregnancy Countdown

The Pregnancy Countdown

From the moment a woman finds out she is expecting, she begins dreaming of what life will be like once her baby arrives. If you have recently discovered that you will be having a baby, you might be wondering what is going to happen during the next 9 months. Every…

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Cutting the Cord

Cutting the Cord

The umbilical cord serves as the lifeline between the baby and the mother throughout pregnancy. High Desert women are often amazed to find out that the cord transfers nutrients, vitamins, and blood to the developing baby during the nine months of pregnancy. Toward the end of the pregnancy, the cord…

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Prolonged Vs Quick Labor

Prolonged vs. Quick Labor

[fusion_text]Every woman is different and therefore every individual pregnancy is different. High Desert women will find that their labor and delivery experience is uniquely their own, and there are two different types of labor experiences that women may endure. At Reza Ahmadinia OBGYN, we believe that our Apple Valley patients…

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Benefits of a Prenatal Massage

Benefits of a Prenatal Massage

Pregnant women take on a lot of addition stress during this exciting time. Their bodies are going through extreme changes physically, that leave them feeling exhausted and worn out at the end of the day. Their emotions are off-kilter, and they may find themselves feeling excited, anxious, weepy, and happy…

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