Expectations for the Second Trimester | OBGYN High Desert

Expectations for the Second Trimester

The second trimester is often one of the most wonderful times of a woman’s pregnancy. At this point, most High Desert women have worked past the symptoms associated with the first trimester, such as nausea, vomiting and fatigue, and can begin enjoying their pregnancy. Apple Valley women who are expecting should understand what changes to…

A Glance into First Trimester Visits | OBGYN High Desert Pregnancy

A Glance into First Trimester Visits

The first trimester is an exciting yet scary time for many moms-to-be. High Desert women who have just found out that they are expecting are likely to have a lot on their mind, including questions about their prenatal care and doctor’s appointments. At Reza Ahmadinia OBGYN, we have most of our patients come schedule their…

Don't Freak Out | OBGYN High Desert HPV Bacwards Uterus

Don’t Freak Out

When you go to your annual gynecological exam, you can expect your doctor to take the time to examine your pelvic region and talk to you about any questions or concerns you might have. At these appointments, your doctor may provide you with information you weren’t expecting to hear. In some cases, High Desert women…