What a Prenatal Vitamin Offers Pregnant Women | Apple Valley OBGYN

What a Prenatal Vitamin Offers Pregnant Women

Every woman wants a healthy pregnancy. That’s why Dr. Reza Ahmadinia’s clinic, OBGYN High Desert, provides women in Apple Valley, Victorville, Hesperia, and surrounding areas with a prenatal vitamin once they become pregnant. Folic acid, one of the vitamin’s main ingredients, helps support rapid cell production and prevents defects of the neural tube which becomes…

Self-Care for the Pregnant Woman | Victorville OBGYN Center

Self-Care for the Pregnant Woman

The maternal instinct is even stronger when you’re pregnant, so you’re likely to find yourself putting the needs of others before your own. Although it’s often habitual, you need to start caring for yourself regularly so you’ll be in even better condition to do so for others once your baby has arrived. Here are some…

The Benefits of Exercise During Pregnancy

The Benefits of Exercise During Pregnancy

Reza Ahmadinia OBGYN is proud to provide Obstetrics and Gynecology care to the women of Apple Valley in the High Desert area. At Reza Ahmadinia OBGYN, Dr. Ahmadinia believes exercise, diet, and a healthy weight is an excellent way for Obstetrics patients to maintain good health throughout their pregnancy.