Your Healthy Pregnancy Guide | High Desert Obstetrics & Gynecology

Your Healthy Pregnancy Guide

Eating healthy has its benefits. This especially true when you’re carrying a child. The baby is dependent on you for nutrition. Choose the wrong foods, and you’ll know right away what a bad decision you made. You may be rewarded with heartburn or indigestion because of your food selection. Here are some tips that make…

National Women’s Health and Fitness Day | Apple Valley Dr. Ahmadinia Gynecologist

National Women’s Health and Fitness Day

September 28th is National Women’s Health and Fitness Day. Dr. Reza Ahmadinia of OBGYN High Desert wants to note the importance of regular gynecological exams as part of a woman’s overall health and well-being. Screenings for ovarian and cervical cancers as well as other gynecological diseases is strongly recommended for women of all ages. Female…