Knowing the Risks of Labor Induction

Knowing the Risks of Labor Induction

Many expectant moms in the High Desert region may be faced with the decision as to whether or not they should induce their labor. There are a variety of reasons to induce labor, including the health of the mother, the health of the baby or the current condition of the placenta, to name a few.…

Considering Inducing Labor Apple Valley

Considering Inducing Labor?

By the time a woman reaches the end of her pregnancy, she may feel like the experience is never going to end. In the age of modern technology and fast-paced life, many High Desert women start to think about inducing labor as it nears their due date. While induction can be beneficial for some Victorville…

Expectations for the Second Trimester | OBGYN High Desert

Expectations for the Second Trimester

The second trimester is often one of the most wonderful times of a woman’s pregnancy. At this point, most High Desert women have worked past the symptoms associated with the first trimester, such as nausea, vomiting and fatigue, and can begin enjoying their pregnancy. Apple Valley women who are expecting should understand what changes to…