By the time a woman reaches the end of her pregnancy, she may feel like the experience is never going to end. In the age of modern technology and fast-paced life, many High Desert women start to think about inducing labor as it nears their due date.
While induction can be beneficial for some Victorville women, it is not always the best choice for every mom-to-be. At Reza Ahmadinia OBGYN, we provide our moms with information about induction so that they understand what the process is like, and they know who is a good candidate.
What are the Reasons for Having an Induction?
There are a variety of reasons for having an induction done, most of them relating to the health of the baby or the mother. If a woman has gone past her due date by close to two weeks, a doctor will more than likely schedule an induction. In some cases, a woman is being monitored closely during the last weeks of her pregnancy and there are signs that the baby is in distress.
Low fluid, minimal weight gain or growth for the baby or a deteriorating placenta are all reasons why an OBGYN may decide to induce labor. In other cases, the mother’s own health history and medical conditions may be reason enough to induce. High blood pressure and diabetes are common reasons for induction.
Who is a Good Candidate for Induction?
There is no specific set of criteria that qualifies a woman to be induced. Dr. Ahmadinia considers each pregnancy on a case-by-case basis and will monitor the situation in order to see if an induction is necessary.
Should I Wait to See if Labor Begins Naturally?
This is the preferable way to begin labor if at all possible. The body is designed in order to prepare the cervix naturally and as comfortably as possible for labor. Many doctors would like to see their patients wait for labor to start naturally, but this is not always possible. In most situations, it is safe to take a wait-and-see approach to labor for about two weeks after the projected due date.
As it gets closer to two weeks past the due date, the baby’s size may become an issue as may the condition of the placenta. At this point, an induction most likely would be scheduled.
In most cases, Dr. Ahmadinia will recommend waiting until the baby and your body decides it is time to begin labor. However, there are circumstances that require an induction to be scheduled. Women who are going to be induced should talk with their OB/GYN ahead of the procedure in order to find out what the plan of action will be for their particular induction.
Each induction may be different depending on the circumstances surrounding it. Various medications can be used in order to induce labor and to control pain, and women will want to know what their options are. If you are inching toward your due date and wondering if induction is the right choice for you, be sure to talk with your OB/GYN at your next prenatal appointment.