Cancer Screenings | High Desert OBGYN Ahmadinia Reza MD

Cancer Screenings

There are many different forms of cancer that women can get in their lifetime. That’s why it’s very important to make cancer screenings a regular part of your healthcare regimen. By doing so, you can save your life by discovering cancerous cells in your body and treat them before the disease worsens. Breast, Ovarian, and…

What Do You Know About Ovarian Cancer? | HD Obstetrics & Gynecology

What Do You Know About Ovarian Cancer?

September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month. The annual initiative centers on a single form of cancer that occurs in the ovaries of women of all ages. Without the right education and treatment options, the disease is deadly. According to the American Cancer Society, close to 22,530 women receive the news that they have been diagnosed…

July is Cord Blood Awareness Month | High Desert Obstetrics & Gynecology

July is Cord Blood Awareness Month

Every year in July, people observe Cord Blood Awareness Month in the United States. They understand the importance of donated cord blood and donor cord blood banks. They share what they’ve learned about the subject with other people in-person and through social media in an attempt to raise awareness and save lives. The Benefits of…