Maternal Diet's Impact on Breast Milk Quality

Maternal Diet’s Impact on Breast Milk Quality

Breastfeeding is a wonderful, natural activity that nourishes infants and develops the mother-child bond. However, the mother’s diet might have a substantial impact on the quality of her breast milk. Understanding this link is critical for new mothers who want to give the greatest nourishment for their infants. In this blog article, we’ll look at…

August is National Breast Feeding Month | OBGYN High Desert Gynecology

August is National Breast Feeding Month

Breastfeeding is a hot topic often discussed in the media. People question maternal rights because some women choose to feed their children in public, which other people object to them doing so. If you’re on the fence as to whether or not you’ll breastfeed, you’re not alone. Many new mothers aren’t sure what they’ll do…

August is National Breastfeeding Month | High Desert Obstetrics

August is National Breastfeeding Month

August is National Breastfeeding Month. It’s a great time to increase your awareness about the benefits of breastfeeding. As a new mother, you may wonder throughout your pregnancy if you want to bottle-feed or breastfeed your baby. You may still be on the fence when it comes to making the decision. Speaking to Dr. Ahmadinia…