What are Braxton Hicks Contractions?

What Are Braxton Hicks Contractions?

Pregnant women in the High Desert region often report that they experience discomfort in their abdominal area or a tight feeling around their uterus every once in a while during their pregnancy. Many Apple Valley patients are startled to find out that these sensations are actually contractions — but they are not the kind that…

2D vs 3D / 4D Ultrasound

2D vs. 3D / 4D Ultrasound

Many expectant mothers look forward to their prenatal ultrasound appointments, and they love the fact that they get to see what their baby looks like prior to its arrival. At Reza Ahmadinia OBGYN, we recognize that many High Desert women are considering having 3D or 4D ultrasounds during their pregnancy.

Prenatal Ultrasound

Prenatal Ultrasound

Ultrasound A prenatal ultrasound is a routine procedure that is performed at least once and sometimes more than once during each woman’s pregnancy. Many women in the High Desert region look forward to their prenatal ultrasound appointments, because it gives them a chance to catch a glimpse of the growing baby inside their body. At…

Benefits of Prenatal Yoga

Benefits of Prenatal Yoga

Excercise Prenatal yoga is a form of yoga practice that is specially designed for expectant mothers. Throughout High Desert, many women decide that this is an activity that they would like to try during their pregnancy. Most prenatal yoga programs are safe for women throughout their entire pregnancy, whether they are in the first, second…