Apple Valley tubal ligation expert Dr. Ahmadinia provides a more permanent type of birth control solution to his patients. As a trusted doctor at OBGYN High Desert, his mission is to help women prevent future pregnancies without the use of oral contraceptives or IUDs. Sterilization prevents women from having babies and cannot be easily reversed. His patients must understand this before deciding to have the procedure done.
What You Need to Know About Tube Tying aka Tubal Ligation
Tubal ligation is also known as “having the tubes tied.” It’s a procedure that many women seek to have done after giving birth to several children. It’s more effective than some forms of birth control, which must be taken daily or replaced every few months. Women who don’t want to spend the remainder of their adult life taking birth control pills or having the doctor fit them for IUDs or other contraceptive devices may find tubal ligation worth looking into.
When the fallopian tubes are ‘tied,’ eggs cannot travel to the ovaries. Fertilization doesn’t occur, which means a woman doesn’t get pregnant. Tubal ligation does not protect against STDs; however, so women must continue to use protection such as male and female condoms to prevent contracting a disease.
Schedule a Time to Meet With Apple Valley Tubal Ligation Expert Dr. Ahmadinia
Scheduling Apple Valley tubal ligation services with Dr. Ahmadinia is often the right choice for many women. Perhaps it’s the best option for you. If so, contact OBGYN High Desert to schedule an appointment with the doctor right away. You have options when it comes to family planning. Tubal ligation is one choice for your consideration.